As we begin the upcoming school year, back-to-school shopping quickly enters everyone’s lives. While school supply shopping can be a hassle, there’s always at least one item that we have a soft spot for. Whether it is a backpack or just a simple eraser, your favorite item has a lot to say about you, and here’s what I personally think they say. See if you agree.
You buy a new backpack every year and conduct a deep search to find the perfect one. You start your back-to-school shopping in the middle of July because you want the best and nothing less. After mom and dad set a budget on it (groan…) you choose a little less expensive one but still snazzy. When you walk down the hallways in September, you eat up the compliments. You want school to start now. What it says: You are Fashion Forward but also growing savvy about a good deal!
You love math and science and are probably taking rigorous courses in that area. Math has always been easy for you. You would rather spend time solving math equations than ever having to read a book or write an essay. At this point in your math career, you have games downloaded onto your calculator for when class is boring because it just isn’t hard enough for you. What it says: You also have big dreams and can’t wait to continue your learning this school year!
You hate pens and pencils and wish you never have to write on paper ever again. You take pride in being a Google Chrome or Safari user and will only stick with one search engine. You try to carry as few things as possible with you and keep everything you need on your computer. What it says: You are extremely tech savvy and will be taking an engineering class in the fall.
You are organized and take pride in it. You are always willing to show off your beautifully categorized notes to help your friends out when they are struggling. Being in the top of your class is a priority, but you somehow manage to do it with ease. You are the classmate that can always manage to give your peers a piece of paper if they don’t have any… and they all are extremely thankful for that. What it says: You are pumped up for the school year and can’t wait to see your friends in the fall!
You have a strict preference between mechanical or just a simple number 1 pencil. You either are an incredibly talented artist who can transform any sheet of paper into a masterpiece or just hate that pens aren’t erasable. The only thing that you don’t like about pencils is when the eraser runs out. What it says: You are excited to meet your new teachers and can’t wait to be back at school again.
You have a h3 dislike for writing with pencils and hate making mistakes. English or history is your favorite class because you enjoy being able to write on paper instead of typing on your computer. Your goals for the school year include getting straight As and perfecting small doodles on the side of your paper without ruining the rest of your school work. What it says: You’re a hard worker who wants to excel this school year and won’t let anything get in your way.
Post-It Notes
You like to pass notes during class and think it is better than secretly texting on your computer. When shopping for Post-Its, you like to get a variety of colors. You are a bubbly and vibrant person. What it says: Seeing your friends is Priority #1 when you go back to school.
White Out
You often make mistakes, but you also know that mistakes are the foundation of learning. You are probably taking difficult classes this year and are preparing for the worst, but you are also ready for the challenge. In class, your friends thank you for helping them cover up their mistakes quickly. When you get bored in class you paint your nails with White Out or draw with it on the side of your paper. What it says: You know school is always a wild ride and you can’t wait for it to begin!