On June 11, Julia Bialek (HGHS, Class of 2019) presented “From Thought to Print,” a review of interning at the Inside Press in May and June, and in Julia’s case, at different times since 2016. It was one of many graduating seniors “Greeley Senior Experience” presentations taking place that day throughout Horace Greeley High School to fellow classmates, teachers, and by invite, to family and other visitors. I was very touched by this presentation, so I am ‘flipping the script’ now to write about Julia and my impression of Greeley talent.
I’ve worked with many motivated Greeley interns over the years and have been continuously amazed and buoyed by their enthusiasm and professionalism too, whether via the Greeley Senior experience or general interning. Greeley kids, over the years, and students from Pleasantville High School too to date, have been invaluable to the success of my press, and so grateful! I found Julia bright, introspective, with a kind and respectful disposition from the very start. Beginning as a sophomore at Greeley, Julia delivered essays and articles which showcased a natural writing talent-with some very firm and well articulated political opinions, too. Inside Chappaqua and Inside Armonk editor Stacey Pfeffer, in particular, took her under her wing and showed her the ropes, if you will, of producing an edition of Inside Chappaqua ‘from start to finish.’
“It was a privilege to collaborate with Julia,” said Pfeffer. “She approached each and every assignment with great care and her intelligence and creativity shined through in all her work. I am sure her experience here is just the beginning of many bylines.”
Julia came to a brainstorming meeting. She sat through and absorbed hours of a layout meeting with Inside Press designer Lisa Samkoff, too. She covered the “Art Around Town” event to much acclaim. https://www.theinsidepress.com/celebrating-beauty-and-community-through-art/
We published her exquisite poem, ‘Woman,’ which made the perfect end note for a May edition with a theme about resilience in women. Chappaqua and far beyond approved. https://www.theinsidepress.com/woman/
So when I was invited to Greeley Senior Experience to listen to her presentation about her internship with us, I had a hunch I’d be in for a treat, and Julia delivered just that.
Julia shaped her Greeley Experience presentation in part comparing her experience to working with us to working on the Greeley Tribune, where she is the managing editor. “It was very similar to how we plan for the Greeley Tribune and also use InDesign to layout, although some specifics were different,” she explained, “because we are serving different communities.
Now that was all plenty interesting, but Julia grabbed my attention when she related “how powerful publishing a story in Inside Chappaqua can be and how much feedback you can receive.”
“I had people not just all over Chappaqua but even in New York City reach out to me thanking me for writing a story.”
She added, reflecting: “The impact of the written word is so powerful; you can use it to unite the community, you can use it for good. It’s such a great force.”
I anticipate Julia, who is off to begin studying at Yale University in the fall, will continue using her talent for good.
Each year, students who have completed their years in the Chappaqua Central School District are encouraged to embark on a ‘real life” internship experience that taps into their imaginations, and interests, that helps them gain knowledge, perspective or build new skills. The kids convey what they experienced in a multi media presentation followed by a question and answer period. It is a rite of passage for many of our kids as any Chappaqua senior or proud Chappaqua Mom or Dad will tell you, and I am among those who won’t ever forget my own son’s presentation in 2014. I know that the experience shaped who he is today.
On the afternoon Julia presented, I also had a chance and the pleasure to listen to seniors Dean Miller speak about his independent project on finance and stocks; to Nathalie Jamavan who was an intern at the Bell Middle School with a previous French teacher; and to Alexander Travagliato, who spoke about his experience at the Westmoreland Sanctuary. Ms. Hurgin, Ms. Burger, and Ms. McKenna, the teachers in the room that day, all listened intently and appeared proud of all the students. More about the Greeley Senior Experience (the Inside Press has reported on it before too): https://www.theinsidepress.com/senior-experience-at-horace-greeley-high-school/
— Grace