A great deal has been said for and against social media, but one ‘for’ argument: it’s a way to share the joys of being a grandma and/or grandpa! Listen, in these pandemic years, new generations of precious little humans around are a raison de célébrer. If Stacey Pfeffer helps reveal how each grandparent’s love is a study in the human capacity for unconditional love, then mission accomplished.
In the pursuit of a theme of ‘family bliss’, I also thought I’d call out the ‘perfect’ marriage as a myth that social media may sometimes have you believing. Truth is virtually all relationships at some point face or will face any manner of stress that can make or break them. So how to keep that basic truth positive and productive? Alexa Troob was ‘all over it’ and gleaned advice and strategies from local therapists and healers who help couples weather the storms, survive, and thrive. Meanwhile, Beth Besen courageously shares her own sage advice for staying the course! Next feature: When and why throwing in the towel might be the best decision, and how to do that as amicably as possible!
Alexa has a second article here, too. Following a guided tour, she makes a poignant case for saving Buttonhook, Chappaqua’s embattled, sacred forest. Read all about it.
Journalism continues to face unprecedented challenges, so don’t miss Andrew Vitelli’s recap of the ‘Future of Local Journalism’ panel at the Chappaqua Library.

Photo by Denise Mincin
If there is ‘one well deserved cover story’ I hadn’t produced in 20 years of publishing, it’s a ‘close-up’ of New Castle’s annual Memorial Day parade/event which remembers our fallen. I’ve been personally covering it, in words and pictures, for almost as many years as I’ve been publishing, so very grateful to Ronni Diamondstein for contributing both her iconic cover photo and article to ‘bring it home’.
If you haven’t had a chance to watch The Wonderful Mrs. Maisel on Prime (hard to imagine, but…), you might be wondering about our Armonk cover! We advise you just read on to discover the compelling story of Jean Carroll as shared by her granddaughter and local mom and social activist Susan Chatzky with Briarcliff Manor’s Deputy Mayor Pete Chatzky at her side.
When Ella Ilan told me about a group of North Castle moms who have met regularly through the years, forming a deep friendship circle, over mah jongg and canasta, I thought it would make a compelling local story for Inside Armonk! Thanks to Ella’s story, I’m inspired to learn the games now myself. After all, there’s nothing like girlfriends to share the best of times to revel in and sear into our memories, and the worst of times to help you navigate and hopefully sail to a safer shore.
For fun and in-depth stories, we encourage you to discover Joanna VanTrees, the broadcast personality behind What’s Up Pleasantville? at Pleasantville Community Television. Michael Gold refers to Joanna as “a force of nature” and after reading his article, perhaps it won’t be hard to see why!
There’s so much more in our issues, particularly in the areas of public service and the arts so please don’t skip a thing (and do continue ‘telling ‘em you saw it’ in an Inside pub).
Finally, as the Inside Press has ‘gone quarterly’, we’re taking a print break for a stretch (we publish again mid-August), and an online break as much as possible, although you can still follow our adventures as they arise on yes, you guessed it, social media!
Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Father’s Day!