Dear Neighbors,
We are New Castle Democrats 2019 – Ivy Pool for Town Supervisor, and Jeremy Saland and Jason Lichtenthal for Town Council. We are running for office because we want to make this community a better place for ourselves, our children, and future generations.
- We are experienced leaders who have built trust in the community. Currently, Ivy and Jeremy serve together on the Town Board, and Jason is an elected Millwood Fire Commissioner.
- We are dedicated to the community. We are volunteers, troop leaders, coaches, PTA members, faith community members, neighborhood association leaders, and more.
- We are focused on results. We understand the issues that are important to residents, and we have the skills and the experience needed to deliver results for our community.
In today’s political environment, local elections matter more than ever. We need strong local leaders who will support and promote our shared values.
Ivy Pool for Town Supervisor
Since her election to the Town Board in 2017, Councilwoman Ivy Pool has earned a reputation for responsiveness, hard work, and creativity. A career public servant, Ivy held senior policy roles in Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration and in the office of Governor Andrew Cuomo. She earned an undergraduate degree from Columbia University and a Master’s in Public Administration from NYU. Ivy and her husband have lived in New Castle since 2010, and have two children who attend Grafflin and Bell.
Jeremy Saland for Town Council
Councilman Jeremy Saland was elected to the Town Board in 2015, having previously served as Town Prosecutor from 2010-2015. Jeremy is known for his honesty, integrity, and dedication to public service. Jeremy manages his own law practice, specializing in criminal defense, Title IX proceedings, Family Court matters, and victim advocacy. He began his legal career as a Manhattan prosecutor under District Attorney Robert Morgenthau. Jeremy and his wife moved to New Castle in 2006, and have three children at Grafflin, Bell, and Horace Greeley.
Jason Lichtenthal for Town Council
Since 2016 Jason Lichtenthal has served as a Commissioner of the Millwood Fire District, where he is known for his leadership and dedication to protecting the safety of the community. As Senior Vice President at PURE Insurance, Jason has expertise in contract negotiation, project management, and financial management. Jason attended MIT, Brooklyn College, and holds a Master’s in Computer Science from Binghamton University. A Millwood resident since 2004, Jason and his wife have two children who attend Horace Greeley.
For most of us, our home is the most significant investment we will make. New Castle Democrats 2019 will protect your investment by maintaining property values. To do this, we must hold property taxes flat while improving Town services and enhancing our overall quality of life. Our commitment is to:
Create Thriving Hamlets
Our two hamlets– Chappaqua and Millwood–each have unique strengths, challenges and opportunities. New Castle Democrats 2019 is committed to creating thriving downtown hamlets, which will spur economic development, improve property values, and enhance the quality of life for all residents.
Invest in Capital Planning and Modernize Infrastructure
When it comes to local government, there is perhaps no more visible yard stick by which to measure success than infrastructure. Roads, sidewalks, and sewers are the critical to property values as well as residents’ experiences of their community. We pay a lot in property taxes and we have the right to expect modern-day infrastructure.
Create a Climate-Smart and Resilient New Castle
We believe that that local government has a considerable role to play in instituting climate-smart policies to protect our planet and create a resilient community. While individual residents must share in the responsibility for protecting our natural environment, we believe that local government can and should enact thoughtful, strong, and enforceable policies to do the same.
Enhance Recreation Opportunities and Improve Community Spirit
Whether you are new to town or have lived here for generations, New Castle residents share a passion for recreation and strong sense of community. We will seek to strengthen both.
Engage in Responsible Municipal Management
We will diversify appointments to boards and commissions, make communications a two-way street, and improve intergovernmental cooperation with the State, County, and neighboring municipalities.
We love New Castle and our focus is on making this community a warm, welcoming, and wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family.
Please vote on Nov. 5th, or during early voting from Oct. 26th-Nov 3rd. We thank you for the confidence you placed in us when you elected us to our current roles, and we look forward to continuing to serve our community.
Ivy, Jeremy, and Jason