Summer and the living is preparing residents and visitors alike for different fall downtown events and fundraisers both as official ‘media sponsor’ and/or as a community-friendly ‘hyperlocal’ and merchant supported/reader coveted pub. We’re ‘all over the net’ too at theinsidepress.com and largely on Facebook. Keeps us on our toes, especially while also gathering so many additional, equally compelling profiles around our back to school theme. Grateful to Stacey Pfeffer, our new editor for both editions for writing and producing several stories in both editions (all while getting her feet wet in her new role! Bravo!) There are so many fundraisers we are promoting both in story and/or in a sponsor spot, so be sure to savor each page and ‘Save the Date’ for whatever strikes your fancy or piques your interest.
Readers, please feel free to let us know when you visit or call a sponsor or attend an event because of ‘what you saw’ in our pages. And sponsors, likewise, please do let us know about a happy customer or two, and we’ll happily publish your experience some time, and voila, more press for you. Drop a note at my new email: grace@insidepress.com. In the meantime, summer’s fading fast. Get outdoors (if you enjoy cycling, maybe first check out our Biking story?), and enjoy! I plan to.