During Gay Pride Month, a diverse group of local faith communities will be offering “Faith and the LGBT+ Community” on Thursday, June 21 at 7:15 p.m., at Temple Israel Center, 280 Old Mamaroneck Road, White Plains. A panel of advocates and allies of the LGBT community will be speaking. The Rev. Dr. Martha Jacobs, Senior Minister at First Congregational Church in Chappaqua, will be offering a prayerful litany during the event. All are welcome.

As featured in Inside Chappaqua in October of 2016, Dr. Jacobs talked about her finding FCC to be an open and welcoming community for she and her spouse, Pat Yost, and her reasoning for accepting a call to serve at FCC in 2014. She found FCC to be a place that welcomed all people and she embodies that spirit as she serves not just FCC but the wider New Castle Community.
For further information about the event, and to RSVP to AJC Westchester/Fairfield: ajcwestfair-LGBT.eventbrite.com or call 914-948-5585.