Last month right before Election Day, I was asked to interview and write about our Town’s Supervisor (aka my dad) Rob Greenstein, and hear what he thinks were his ten most impactful contributions to the New Castle community. Luckily, I have direct access to him so scheduling time with him wasn’t an issue. Here is what my dad believes are his ten most significant accomplishments, besides surviving Chappaqua Moms!
1. He helped to start the eNewsletter. He tells me that the eNewsletter and his Supervisor reports inform residents on town updates and events. Does anyone really read them?
2. He planned and completed the infamous infrastructure & streetscape project. He tells me the project includes new sewers, drainage to stop downtown from flooding, and hopes to improve the appearance of downtown Chappaqua. It will also make it safer to walk around. Are you kidding Dad? The construction hazards were also treacherous. And what about all those cones?!?!
He worked on updating the zoning in downtown Chappaqua to encourage more housing. He even helped to plan our first all-inclusive playground. The new basketball court in the back corner of town hall parking lot will bring people to play and exercise, and maybe after a game they’ll stop at one of the many nail salons- only kidding :). To highlight all of this, DiscoverChappaqua.com was created. I can’t wait to see it…
3. My dad played a pivotal role in Chappaqua Crossing. Everyone loves Whole Foods & Life Time. And I can’t wait for the Starbucks! I mean a drive thru Starbucks right next to the high school, that’s a coffee addict’s dream come true. He tells me that some new restaurants are coming. We’ve been hearing that for a long time. When?
My dad told me that Chappaqua Crossing will once again become an economic engine that drives our commercial tax base. Huh? I do think it’s cool that the old Readers Digest headquarters is now housing. My dad is also very proud of the Chappaqua Performing Arts Center. It is nice, and the price was right ($1) but it needs some work. It’s no Radio City Music Hall but it will only get better.
4. My Dad also helped bring DeCiccos & Sons to Millwood. I mean their guacamole and chips is exceptional! But, rest in peace A&P.
5. He helped create the Distracted Driving initiative in town. His team started the “Hands Off the Phone and On the Wheel” project. He loves his magnets. Just look around. We have lots of SUVS in town–many with magnets.
6. Like my older brother, my dad is really into the environment. He tells me New Castle was the first municipality in New York State to choose green electricity. That apparently means that our energy comes from renewable sources. He also helped ban plastic bags in town. The funny part is that he still forgets to bring his reusable bags to stores. It’s fun watching him juggle the groceries when he leaves a store. I guess I could help.
7. He helped institute the 2017 Comprehensive Plan. What the heck is that? He tells me that we received an American Planning Association Award for it. Get a life, dad.
8. He is proud of a few committees they started such as Every Person is Connected (EPIC), Community Inclusion & Diversity Committee and the New Castle Holocaust & Human Rights Committee.
9. He also helped pave a lot of streets. But, I think they forgot to pave our street.
10. Finally, my dad helped to create the New Castle Holocaust Memorial. With help from members of the community, 750 daffodils were planted. The Daffodil Project hopes to plant 1.5 million Daffodils in memory of the children who perished in the Holocaust. I can’t wait to see the flowers in the spring.
Dad, I know myself, the rest of the family, and the community have given you a tough time over the years. But retirement has come! Let’s buy a walking cane and anti-grey hair spray (oh wait, you don’t have hair)! Thank you for all you have done for the town. Your efforts have most certainly not gone unnoticed. It was evident how much you cared and contributed to the town and I know you will forever leave a mark on the community.