By Stacey Pfeffer
With the start of school tomorrow, maybe there is a heightened level of stress in your house like mine. So Inside Chappaqua sat down with Mr. Scrabbles for an exclusive interview and some much needed distraction. Read on to see what this fascinating creature has to say about New Castle living.
- Inside Chappaqua (IC): Facebook is full of posts of photos with you and several residents. Everyone has photos with you. In fact Inside Chappaqua’s publisher Grace Bennett posted a picture with you and said that you are in a relationship after being ‘outed’ on Facebook’s Chappaqua Moms by a roving paparazzo. We’ve also spotted you with Rob Greenstein and Bill Clinton. How are you finding time to get to all these photo shoots?
Photo By Peter Chatzky See more of this paparazzo’s work on the public Mr. Scrabbles page on Facebook.
Mr. Scrabbles (MS): First of all I want to say what a warm and welcoming town Chappaqua is. But unfortunately that is fake news! I may have a doppelganger somewhere in town but that is not me. I much prefer candid shots.
- IC: You seem to love hanging out by Hardscrabble Lake. What’s the appeal?
MS: Well the properties are big, so I have plenty of room to roam. Plus there is lake in the name and we’ve had quite a heat wave lately so I love any place where I can take a dip and cool off.
- IC: Why Chappaqua when there are so many other towns to go to?
MS: The natural beauty of this town is what really attracted me. There are great parks, yummy food options plus I’m looking for a little peace and quiet. The past few weeks in August the town has been really sleepy with everyone away on the Cape or the Jersey shore so all that’s left is my diehard paparazzi crew. My social media likes have been blowing up!
- IC: What’s the yummiest thing you’ve had since migrating here?
MS: Well let’s be honest. I follow a Paleo diet so the nuts and seeds on the bird feeders are delectable. Much better than anything I’ve had in Harrison. Plus many people have left out some delicious BBQ from Le Jardin du Roi – the smoked brisket is my personal favorite. Please don’t throw out any kale or spa tuna leftovers – I’m a bear folks and need some meat on my bones for the upcoming brutal winter.
- IC: We hear you have a Facebook fan page. How do you get all those miles in and still find time to update your page?
MS: It’s not easy trying to balance everything. After taking a mindfulness workshop with Chappaqua resident Jodi Baretz by Hidden Hollow Lake, I got much better at multi-tasking with purpose. I would like to work on my Facebook page more at the Chappaqua Library. I hear it is very peaceful there and a real community treasure but for some reason they won’t give me a library card.
- IC: What’s your next step?
MS: Photo-bombing Bill and Rob was grand, but I really want to get into a picture with Bill and Hillary Clinton. Do you know where I can find them? I don’t like to go to downtown where I hear they frequent the shops so am hoping to take a photo with them in a more natural setting. Perhaps Whippoorwill Park. She hikes there, right?
- IC: We hear you were recently spotted close to Roaring Brook Elementary School right before the new school year. Why?
MS: I hear that the Chappaqua Central School District is the crown jewel of the Westchester public school system so I decided to check it out myself. Plus they have a new principal starting, Doreen O’Leary. I had hoped to meet her but I am a bear non grata on school property so I’m meandering elsewhere. To follow my journey, check out #WhereIsMrScrabbles on Facebook created by my publicist, Peter James, the manager of Chappaqua Paint and Hardware.
Stacey Pfeffer is the editor of Inside Chappaqua and Inside Armonk Magazines.
Editor’s Note: Although this article was in jest, we recommend all readers take caution with Mr. Scrabbles and read the handy guide “Reducing Human-Bear Conflicts” by the Department of Environmental Conservation at