On May 20th, the Holocaust and Human Rights Education Center (HHREC) launched an inaugural White Rose Student Research Contest event for students grades 7 through 12 in the greater Westchester County area. This contest, named in memory of the White Rose, a resistance movement consisting of German university students, commemorated the efforts of these brave young people who gave their lives for what they believed in.
This year’s contest theme was Propaganda, and participating students who competed submitted essays based on research of source materials provided on our website. Winning entries were identified by a panel of judges and honored at a virtual reception, and the sponsoring teacher of each first prize winner were awarded a voucher for use on professional development and/or Holocaust resources.
The 2021 White Rose Student Competition winning students from Woodlands Middle/High School included:
- Grade 7 & 8 Winner – Sameeha Ahmed
- Grade 7 & 8 Finalist – Jake Morton
- Grade 9 & 10 Winner – Jeremy Morton
The sponsoring teacher was Kasie Peralta, who was also honored earlier this year with the HHREC Susan Goldberg Teacher Award.
“Kasie is dedicated to human rights education and determined to bring the lessons of the Holocaust and other human rights violations to her students” said Julie Scallero, Co-Director of Education at HHREC. “ She involves them in many other educational programs offered by HHREC including the Middle and High School Human Rights Institutes.”
About The Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center
The Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center is a not-for-profit organization based in White Plains New York that serves Westchester, Fairfield and neighboring counties. Their Mission is to enhance the teaching and learning of the lessons of the Holocaust and the right of all people to be treated with dignity and respect. We encourage students to speak up and act against all forms of bigotry and prejudice. Their work with students and teachers helps schools fulfill the New York State mandate that the Holocaust and other human rights abuses be included in their curriculum. Since 1994, they have brought the lessons of the Holocaust, genocide and human rights crimes to more than 1500 teachers, and through them to thousands of middle and high school students. Through their volunteer Educators Program Committee, the Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center gives teachers the unique opportunity to develop programs for themselves and others. These programs not only enrich teachers’ knowledge about the Holocaust and related issues, but they also provide the lens through which to view all other human rights violations. For more information call 914.696.0738 email info@hhrecny.org