The modest building across from the Chappaqua Library on Greeley Avenue is the long-time home of Chappaqua’s Town Hall where multiple departments work to make New Castle a safe, welcoming and smooth running home. The town encourages residents to take full advantage of its services and opportunities–and to become an actively involved citizen too.
The New Castle Town Board is comprised of the Supervisor and four town board members. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, while informal work session meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays. The Town Board adopts and amends local laws regulating the town governance, controls the use of all Town property–except that directly supervised by the Recreation Commission–adopts the annual Town Budget–establishes the tax levy for General, Highway and related funds, and much more.
The Town Administrator oversees the Town’s day-to-day operations and recommendations on personnel matters and prepares the tentative budget for presentation to the Town Board. The Town Administrator is responsible for implementing policy adopted by the Town Board and provides advice and assistance to the Town Board as requested. For complete info about New Castle Town Hall, visit
Opportunities for Seniors
New Castle is proud to note that many residents remain in the community long after the kids have ‘grown and flown.’ The Recreation and Parks Department oversees senior programming to help promote and enhance the quality of life of adults 60 years and over living in the community. Recreation programs, fitness classes and a comprehensive array of supportive services are offered regularly, and encourage both continued independence and involvement in community life. Popular classes at the New Castle Senior Center on Senter Street include artistic pursuits like Watercolor & Drawing and Passport to Active Living daily workouts. Games such as Bridge, Mah Jongg and Poker are another great way to socialize and have fun, and all ability levels are welcome. Music-loving seniors appreciate the free Open Rehearsals of the Chappaqua Orchestra. Lectures, also free, cover topics as far-ranging as classical music to health and fitness. There is even a weekly Pizza ‘n Cinema meet-up featuring vintage and classic films. Senior transportation is available and affordable, and the Senior Watch, a voluntary program open to all, offers peace of mind to those who may not have family or friends available on a regular basis. Further information including the Senter Street Spotlight bi-monthly newsletter:
New Castle Town Camps
Summer is everyone’s favorite season. Longer days, sunshine and warmth, and lots of great outdoor activities make for very happy campers–figuratively, but also literally. New Castle Town Camps are the very definition of happy kid campers. Open to all town recreation residents, there are camp groups for all ages: Tot Camp, designed with young three to five year old children in mind, offers half-day enrollment. Camp Adventure, loaded with fun activities for first through fourth graders, meets at Bell Middle School but includes off-site activities like field trips as well. On-the-Go Camp, for fifth through eighth graders, offers exciting daily excursions to all kinds of kid-approved fun destinations; and the C.I.T program for ninth and tenth graders prepares young teens to move from camper to counselor. There is also a Summer at the Art Center camp for children aged four through seven with a special interest in art.
Recreation and Parks
The Recreation and Parks Department in New Castle is proud to offer something for everyone. Offerings include the finest art workshops in Westchester County along with a wide range of children’s programs from infants to toddlers and preschoolers, as well as a very successful dance program. Looking for camp? The town has a variety of Summer Camps per above for children ages 4 through 8th grade and also Specialty Camps such as Soccer, Lacrosse and Basketball.
Annual events include the adorable Halloween Ragamuffin Parade, a free Fishing Derby and a very challenging 10K & 5K Road Race which traverses the hilly terrain of New Castle. In cooperation with the Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber of Commerce, residents enjoy a series of summer concerts at Recreation Field. There are also a fair share of youth sports here in town as well; youth athletic programs include Baseball/Softball, Lacrosse, Soccer, Field Hockey, Flag Football, Wrestling and Basketball.
For more info, call 914-238-3909 or visit
Volunteering for New Castle
New Castle offers many volunteering opportunities for residents to share their time and skills. The volunteer options allow residents to play an active role in developing town policies, events, and programs. Here are ways to get involved in helping make New Castle the best it can be:
Every Person is Connected
EPIC promotes the inclusion of community members with disabilities through implementing programs, advising the town board, and developing opportunities for those with special needs. The board informs residents with disabilities on the town’s recreational, educational, and social opportunities, and aims to improve their quality of life. Contact:
Arts & Culture Committee
This committee supports the growth of the arts in New Castle through promoting and proposing events and programming, such as art exhibits, music, dance, theater, and film. The organization meets twice a month and collaborates with the town and third parties to enhance the community’s events and programs dedicated to the arts. NCACC members also research arts programming of interest in neighboring communities and gather feedback on past and future events. Contact:
Beautification Board
The board supports and develops programming that enhances the appearance of New Castle, often collaborating with the Parks and Recreation Department. The Beautification Board sponsors the annual Clean-Up Day in April as well as the “Adopt a Bench” program, which commemorates loved ones and special events. Board members also choose holiday lights and décor for the downtown area during wintertime. Contact:
Community Preparedness Committee
The committee facilitates emergency preparedness for severe weather conditions and power outages. Members advise the town board, educate residents on preparing their homes for emergencies, and coordinate volunteer neighborhood emergency teams. Contact:
Health and Wellness Task Force
Health and wellness are high priorities for the citizens of the Town of New Castle. This committee provides the community with educational resources about public health matters and providing support on a wide variety of health and wellness matters.
New Castle for Inclusion & Diversity Committee
The committee promotes the town’s inclusion and diversity goals through programming in New Castle. To create community awareness about differences in others and encourage respect for these qualities, the organization hosts fundraising events and community celebration. It published a book list (prepared by the Chappaqua Library) which celebrates diversity. Contact:
New Castle Conservation Board
Studies and advises the Town Board and other Town departments, boards and commissions on developing sound open space planning and assuring preservation of natural and scenic resources within the Town of New Castle. For more information, please contact Dennis Corelli, Town’s Environmental Coordinator at
Sustainability Advisory Board
This board’s many tasks include waste management, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and educating residents. A committee advises the board on local construction projects to promote more sustainable practices. Visit
Finally, Friends of ChappPac is also a new and vital board supporting the Chappaqua Performing Arts Center.
For more information about any New Castle advisory board, please visit
Sustainability in Action
The Take It Or Leave It Shed
The shed was first opened over a decade ago by volunteers and the Department of Public Works. Located behind the Shell station on South Greeley Avenue, the Take it or Leave it Shed is open May through October on Saturdays from 9 a.m.-noon to coincide with the outdoor season of the Chappaqua Farmer’s Market.
You never know what you’ll find at the shed, but it is guaranteed to be free.
Only New Castle residents can donate to the shed (ID is required) but residents and non-residents are allowed to reap the benefits of the items left behind. Items must be dropped off before 11:30 a.m., and there is a maximum of two carloads of items per family per week, so don’t be tempted to use the shed as your own personal dumpster!
For more information and a list of acceptable items for the shed, visit or call the Department of Public Works at (914) 238-3968.
Reusable Bag Law
In 2017, New Castle showed the world that every day is earth day when the Reusable Bag Law was officially passed. New Castle became the first town in New York State to adopt a ban/fee hybrid bag law. Under the legislation championed by the New Castle Sustainability Advisory Board, the law eliminates distribution of single-use plastic carryout bags at all stores and requires a 10-cent charge for paper shopping bags at the types of stores that use the most bags–grocery stores, convenience stores and pharmacies.
Every week New Castle saves tens of thousands of bags from entering our waterways and food stream, and littering our parks and roads. This initiative has been so successful that it has served as a model for other Westchester towns seeking to pass similar laws. For more information about this and to see how the Advisory Board is working on changing state and county-wide laws on this issue, visit or
The Electric Ride
The Town of New Castle was named the first small community in Westchester County to be designated a Clean Energy Community by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. A $100,000 grant to the town was used to purchase an electric shuttle which connects Chappaqua Crossing with the Chappaqua Train Station.
Information: Courtesy of The Town of New Castle