Call me a curmudgeon but I was deeply disappointed when the groundhog said we wouldn’t have an early spring this year. I know I’m supposed to relish these last few weeks of winter but frankly I don’t. We aren’t a skiing or snowboarding family so the thought of more snow, icy roads and school closures is enough to drive me batty and have me counting the days until the official start of spring.
But there are subtle signs of spring all around us. I start to notice more joggers out on Quaker Road without hats and gloves, the streams bubbling with running water instead of frozen ice. As I pass the duck pond, I see that it is slowly starting to melt and is that a crocus growing in my front yard?
One of my favorite parts of being an editor of this magazine is meeting residents and hearing their stories. The idea of doing an article on some of the expats that live in this community had been germinating in my mind for quite some time. As a former expat living in London, I was highly attuned to accents that I would hear in the library or at a local coffee shop. I wanted to highlight what an enriching experience it can be living in the Castles and from what I learned these expats are fully acclimated to the community and you just might bump into them on the soccer field or in your local park this spring. Be sure to give them a warm welcome!
With spring’s arrival, maybe it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and try your hand at surviving in the wilderness. A great course offered by New Castle Recreation and Parks can teach you how to build a fire, create a temporary dwelling or compass reading. If that doesn’t suit you, catch up with a friend on a walk around town or on the North County Trailway and soak in some early spring sun. Be sure to stop for a delicious (perhaps iced?) coffee afterwards. Check out Amy Kelly’s story for some local suggestions.
As soon as April showers begin, I’ve got one thing on my mind: CAMP! Preparing for my older two to attend sleep-away for the first time and trying to figure out what to do with my youngest. Luckily Shauna Levy’s article offers some tips as you plan for summer.
So how do you plan on celebrating spring in New Castle? Write to me at and your idea just might turn into an article for a future edition. I love hearing from readers who have story suggestions.