New Castle Police
Welcome to the Town of New Castle. The Town of New Castle Police Department is a full service accredited law enforcement organization of 37 sworn officers and 15 civilian employees. We strive to create an environment that fosters the development of partnerships with our community. We are dedicated to the safety and welfare of the residents of our town. The Town of New Castle enjoys a high quality of life with low crime rates and is well known as a great place to raise a family. The members of this department work hard to provide a full range of services to residents including:
- Child Safety Seat Inspection
- “Kind Find”
- Vacant House Check
- Senior Watch Program
- Nixle communication
I invite you to explore our offerings at and at our department. On behalf of the residents, business owners and employees of this great town, welcome.
Charles Ferry, Chief of Police
The mission of the New Castle Police Department is to serve all people in our jurisdiction with fairness and compassion. The NCPD is committed to:
- Prevention of crime and the protection of life and property
- Preservation of peace, order and safety
- Enforcement of laws and ordinances
- Safeguarding of Constitutional guarantees
Get Nixle Alerts
A Nixle communication can be an alert or advisory from the New Castle Police Department with local information such as emergencies, road closures, and other relevant notices. To receive a Nixle alert from the Town of New Castle, please go to for enrollment information, and, using the pull-down menu titled “I need to…,” select “Get Nixle alerts to your email.” Or, enroll in the separate Code Red emergency alert system with notifications generated by the town, including evacuation notices, boil water alerts, and other critical information.