It is a good time to be an Acupuncturist. Medicare has announced that it will now provide Acupuncture as a required benefit. Although none of us would ever want to live in a world without modern medical advances, Acupuncture points to another way to view healing and now we have the research to prove it. The western viewpoint sees the body mechanistically as a series of chemical and physical reactions, Chinese medicine looks at the human condition as primarily energetic. We exist as a spiritual, emotional and lastly as a physical entity. All of the Acupuncture points heal at multiple levels. We never have to choose. We can treat it all.
Ear Seeds or auricular Acupressure is a wonderful way to acquaint yourself with this most ancient healing modality and best of all… NO NEEDLES!! During our Ear Seed Clinic we will teach you everything you need to know to use this simple self care technique on your friends and family. It is a wonderful time slow down, center yourself, connect and heal.
There seems to be a never-ending pattern of fear and conflict that has us all in it’s grip these days. The questions of this age are only going to get more complex not less. Authoritarian structures that use fear to control and limit will never provide the real solutions we desire. It is apparent to most of us that humanity needs to move in the direction of love and connection or witness a world torn apart by fear and violence. It is this connection of love between souls that is the true healing energy of the body, what the ancients called Chi. Come Saturday 5 p.m., share your love, connect with others, enhance your natural immune system and build bridges of love instead of walls of fear. This is true healing.