“At Easter, each person was issued a potted hyacinth, and we’d sing a song that had a lot of “alleluias” in it, and every time we’d get to one, we’d all hoist our pots over our heads. This is the truth. Remember it next time somebody tells you Episcopalians never really get loose.” ”—Dave Barry

Armonk, NY—Best-selling humorist and author Dave Barry returns to Westchester County this spring where he will speak before a live audience in his hometown of Armonk. “Dave Barry: A Homecoming” will occur Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 7:30 p.m., at the North Castle Public Library’s Whippoorwill Hall in Armonk, NY. General Admission is $50 per person. An exclusive reception with the author begins at 6 p.m. Reserved tickets can be purchased at EventBrite.
Barry is a columnist with the Miami Herald. He joined the Herald in 1983. Barry attended elementary and middle school in Armonk, and was voted “Class Clown” when he graduated in 1965 from Pleasantville High School. He received the Pulitzer Prize for his newspaper columns in 1988, and has since written more than 30 books, including the Peter and the Star Catcher series. This past September, he published his latest called Best. State. Ever. A Florida Man Defends His Homeland.
Barry has been called the “Mark Twain of the Baby Boomer Generation.” Often, he writes about childhood and parenting, including his days in Armonk, where he and his family attended St. Stephen’s Church, located in the historic Bedford Road District on Route 22 near Interstate 684. The church is currently celebrating its 175th anniversary.
Proceeds raised by the Barry appearance will fund capital improvements St. Stephen’s. The church’s parish hall serves as a meeting and service facility for a number of Westchester County non profits, including the North Castle Boy Scouts. The Treasures Consignment store is also based at the hall. Treasures is a significant contributor to the Mt. Kisco Food Pantry.
Copies of Barry’s newest book called Best. State. Ever. will be available for purchase on site. The author will sign books following his appearance.