Let the Practitioners at the Center for Aligned Healing Help you Explore the New Energies Available for Alignment in Health, Wellness & Business

1. “Align your heart and soul using energy medicine to refresh and restore your body to feel lighter and younger.” (Bernadette Bloom, PT / Esoteric Teacher & Practitioner/Owner, Center for Aligned Healing); TheEsotericBloom.com)
2. “Align your business with your heart and soul, and a new level of prosperity will be your goal.” (Maureen C. Jacobson, EH/Monad Marketing & Business Consulting/Owner, Center for Aligned Healing; CenterForAlignedHealing.com)
3. “Training you to capture all the little “i’s”, to create the one big “I”, the True Self.” (Richard Corsetti, Coach)
4. “A limber body and mind is a wonderful thing to combine.” (Active Release Stretching to expand Body and Mind; Nathalie Koffler, Reflexologist)
5. “Don’t let chronic pain, stress or fatigue hold you back. Experience the many benefits of our customized, holistic solutions.” (Richard Koffler, MD; imwellpc.com)
6. “Hypnosis helps you drop the stress and relax the rest.” (Tony Montalbano, CH, RM; wellandhyp.com)
7. “Make the switch, meet the Green Witch.” (Herbal Remedies and Nutrition for Holistic Health; Bonnie Rogers, Clinical Herbalist; RadiantHealthForLife.com)
8. “Align with your spine and relax your mind.” (Beth Rordam, LMT; bethrordam.com)
9. “Integrating Psychotherapy and Homeopathy to resolve emotional and physical problems.” (Kenneth Silvestri, CCH, PhD; drkennethsilvestri.com)
10. Align all of this into your life and enjoy the side effects of Peace, Joy & Bliss.
Center for Aligned Healing
175 King Street, Chappaqua
Bio Energetic Medicine & Education for the 21st Century