With a book tour for her runaway best seller, What Happened, well underway, Hillary Clinton arrived at the Chappaqua Library for a third hometown, and a sold out book signing event on September 23. Many young people also brought copies of Clinton’s It Takes a Village Picture Book which she signed too. Library staff and volunteers worked hard to make the day’s efforts possible coordinating with the owners of Scattered Books and the Village Bookstore and also with the Town of New Castle. One volunteer, Chappaqua’s John Buckley, a former town council member, said he had “just finished flapping books with well over 800 for her to sign.”
Hundreds waited hours on a warm day, forming lines weaving up and down book aisles, attesting to the intense popularity of Sec. Clinton here at home and beyond. Ronni Diamondstein, a new trustee of the library and long time Inside Press contributor, commented, “The Clintons are part of the fabric of our community and the library is happy to host local authors. It’s nice to see how happy people are to see her today even if it’s just for a few minutes.” –Grace