Chappaqua Fire Department
Welcome to New Castle, where neighbors have been helping neighbors for over a century. When we adopted our slogan, “Neighbors Helping Neighbors Since 1910,” it became our mission statement. We help the very people we see on the train each day, or coach on the sports fields, or socialize with at local restaurants. This is a special community to me. The level of involvement by residents in New Castle makes it a better place for everyone to live. Maybe you would like to be involved as well? For more information, please visit our website at And if you are in the neighborhood, stop in and say hello. I am glad to have this opportunity to welcome you
to New Castle.
Chief Russell Maitland, Chappaqua
Millwood Fire Department
Welcome to the Town of New Castle! As you settle into your new home and get to meet your neighbors, we encourage you to determine which Fire District you are in and stop by the firehouse some evening to meet the dedicated individuals that will stop whatever they are doing to come to your aid in your time of need. (Please consider volunteering yourself!) New Castle is a great place–volunteers make it a special place. As a lifelong Millwood resident, I went through the Chappaqua School system, graduating from Horace Greeley High School in 1978. I have operated a business in the Millwood Hamlet since 1980. It has been my privilege to have served with the Millwood Fire Company since 1976. I am currently in my second term as Department Chief. I hope you grow to love New Castle, make it your long term home and consider volunteering in some way to help New Castle remain a “special” place to live going forward.
Chief Greg Santone, Millwood
Volunteer Firefighters To The Rescue!
Fire Protection in the Town of New Castle is provided by three 100% Volunteer Fire Departments: Millwood, Chappaqua and Mount Kisco, which respond to fires, car accidents, smoke and odor investigations, fire and carbon monoxide alarm activations, extreme weather incidents, EMS assists, and various types of rescues. When you dial 911 from your home’s landline the call is answered by the New Castle Police Department. If the emergency is fire/rescue related, the call is forwarded to Westchester County Fire Control, and the appropriate Fire Department is then dispatched. The fire departments offer a variety of events throughout the year, whether for sharing important safety information, meeting the volunteers, or having fun with members of the community. Some events of note include the annual Open House days and the much loved Easter Egg Hunt.
Emergency numbers:
Chappaqua Police Department
Chappaqua Fire Department
Millwood Fire Department
Chappaqua Volunteer Ambulance Corps.
Ossining Volunteer Ambulance Corps.
Animal Control