June 20, 2019, North Salem–To sell the farm or to keep the farm? That is the question. This is an unforgettably touching story at the charming Schoolhouse Theater—a lens into one family’s intense struggles & differences—and all the accompanying (sometimes painfully self-absorbed, sometimes gloriously life affirming) behaviors and roller coaster emotions displayed by members of three distinct generations regarding ‘what to do’ about the family matriarch, a proud, capable, good humored but still aging & vulnerable mom, living alone on a beloved family farm and happy despite the inevitable challenges of aging.
A frightening accident on the farm injuring Elizabeth convinces her daughter Betsy that it’s time to sell the great big but unwieldy farm and move mom to a retirement community in Florida–but Elizabeth is not having any of it without a fight. In her corner: her granddaughter Christie and Christie’s outspoken and driven fiancé Jason, along with loyal support from a woman she took under her wings, Liz, a woman who at times seems more like a daughter to her than her own, a sidebar to the story, challenging the notions of “who is family” too. There are modern day themes woven into this marvelous script as well, including dialogue alluding to our present administration, and a poignant theme involving gun violence. I’ll say no more.
The Gladstone Hollow: The Farm Play, was written by the extraordinary two-time Emmy award winning actress, Dorothy Lyman, who is well, perfect, and powerfully convincing in the lead role of Elizabeth as well. Directed by The Schoolhouse Theater Artistic Director Bram Lewis. Excellent ensemble, including Chappaqua’s own Frank Shiner (yes, he can act too!), playing Elizabeth’s no nonsense and bordering on belligerent son in law, Tom, leading the charge together with his anxiety ridden wife (Thea McCartan as Betsy) despite the kinder and gentler Meredith Handerhan (Christie), Eric Bryant (Jason or ‘Josh’…see the play to understand..), and Jean Lauren Smith (Liz). 👏 👏👏👏Through June 30. Visit www.schoolhousetheater.org