Michael Blum, who is on the Board of Temple Emanuel in McAllen, Texas, and Chair of their Social Action Committee, has begun collecting toiletries and toys for the detainees and separated families from the border.

“His Temple is right near the border and I have spoken with them this morning,” said Michel Gregson, chair of the Westchester Women, UJA-Federation of New York and the Chappaqua Performing Arts Center.
“If you are frustrated as I am about what is happening at our border, there is something tangible that we can do collectively,” said Gregson.
Gregson has set up a public Wish List at Amazon based on Michael Blum’s suggestions. If you click on the link and select the item(s) you would like to purchase and they will be sent to Blum.
“We can all feel that we are part of the solution and not just screaming at the wind,” said Gregson. “Thank you, in advance, for your generosity, and please share with your friend group.”