A groundbreaking ceremony took place earlier this summer celebrating the launch of Streetscape – an ambitious Town of New Castle construction project intended to fix and enhance sidewalks, public
spaces, infrastructure, roadways, and add streetlamps and plantings.
The work, the town officials promised, will alleviate infrastructure challenges in and further beautify downtown Chappaqua; the ceremony brought together virtually everyone involved in bringing the project to fruition. “We are replacing our historic foundations that in some cases are over 80 years old, with a new and reimagined Hamlet,” stated Town Council member Adam Brodsky, who was at the helm of the project. “This hard work will be the basis to allow our businesses to grow and more people to call the Downtown home over the distant future. Our Hamlet has gone too long without the attention it deserves. Having a beautiful and functioning Town will entice new businesses to our Downtown and help those already here to prosper.”
Brodsky thanked present and past town board members for their efforts, and also those involved in volunteer committees and to environmental and engineering consultants to the project, as well. He also quoted New Castle’s most famous resident, Horace Greeley: “I think we all, as we grow old, love to feel and know that some spot of earth is peculiarly our own–ours to possess and to enjoy, ours to improve and to transmit to our children.”
These remarks, he said, will be after careful consideration by the New Castle Historical Society engraved on a brass plaque to be forever affixed into the sidewalk in front of the Horace Greeley House. “They truly encapsulate why the beauty of our hamlet is so important. It is an extension of our homes and a place we possess, enjoy and will pass on to our children.” — Grace Bennett