By Carine Feist

Upon entering Kendall’s Om Kitchen and the lovely shady flower and plant filled garden from what is the often frenetic King Street, you’ll feel a sense of calm and relaxation. Kendall radiates kindness and peace from the moment you step into her interactive kitchen from the hectic-paced world laden with cell phones, carpools, and meetings! She is filled with knowledge about food and Eastern Philosophy. Kendall and her family began their business this past spring, following her family’s four year, life-changing foray to India. Her experiences while learning Eastern Philosophy and Chakras, which are said to be energy centers of the body in the Indian culture, inspired Kendall and her family to look toward other forms of nutrition. Kendall says “Food has been my metaphor and teacher for my whole life.”
Kendall’s customers can determine which color chakras are best for them by using her Chakra Navigator App. (For example: Green foods help with emotions, Yellow foods help us to focus, and orange colors are for creativity.) Kendall’s experience and interest has evolved into a growing business enriching the lives of her customers with nourishment often lacking in their current eating patterns and helping them to reduce stress. Her program encourages customers to enjoy a whole spectrum of experiences and classes or the opportunity to just stop by to experiment and create their own favorite snacks and beverages, with a mixture of globally-sourced organic “super foods” harvested at the peak of nutrition. These ingredients allow her students to make scrumptious snacks and beverages–like those so cleverly called Mantra Munchies, Dharma Doodles, and Chappaqua En-Chant-Ments.
Kendall’s Om Kitchen offers modestly-priced individual, family and corporate memberships and when they come into her interactive health bar/cooking studio, Kendall encourages her customers to experiment with the various ingredients–including cacao, coconut, lemon peel, pomegranate powder, chia, flax–and to prepare really delicious satisfying treats. One taste of the rich deep flavor of the cacao and agava-sweetened treats, like the “Mighty Mounds” and “Priya Pax”, will satisfy that sweet tooth in an amazing way while utilizing low-glycemic-index ingredients that are delicious!
A “Pink Sapphire” beverage which is based on super-food ingredients Pomegranite and Aronia Berry lightly sweetened with coconut palm sugar was an absolutely gorgeous and refreshing beverage! (A Cosmo Look-Alike, but so much better!) Another delicious beverage was a hot and soothing Hibiscus tea–a perfect beverage for the chilly weather that’s quickly approaching the Hudson River Valley! Kendall also offers many ways to enjoy her products at home–from powder mixtures to use in beverages in your own kitchen, to care packages for college students, to snacks for your family or gift-boxed to share with friends. Local students can stop by as Kendall’s offers a “drop-in cooking school” and the testimonials from students highlight that they just love to come in, relax and make an interesting, unique and delicious snack that their nutritionally-minded mom’s would surely approve! Visit Kendall’s Om Kitchen and treat your self to a half-hour or one-hour vacation without packing your suitcase or worrying about visas!
To learn more about class schedules, membership, and for any other questions, contact Kendall. Feel free to stop by at 140 King Street or call 238-8880 or visit
Carine Feist, M.P.H., chef/instructor is associate to the Editor of Inside Chappaqua Magazine.