Just Between Us: The Inside Press and its various contributors over the years have rarely missed covering the Town of New Castle’s always moving and most memorable Memorial Day parades, so we were heartened to learn there will be at least a virtual commemoration working with the New Castle Community Media Center. Here’s the town’s news of what’s planned; what follows are just the past three years of Inside Press coverage, which I hope offers a small glimpse into what a future parade might look like here again, once we are on the other side of the coronavirus crisis. To all who have served our country: eternal gratitude from everyone at the Inside Press, too. — Grace Bennett
The Town of New Castle has announced in its Community e-letter “that due to the current health crisis, it will be unable to hold the town’s traditional Memorial Day parade. “However, working with the Memorial Day Committee and New Castle Community Media Center, we have planned a virtual Memorial Day celebration that will honor the soldiers from New Castle who lost their lives in service to their country and celebrate our community and its enduring spirit. On Monday, May 25th at 11AM, please join honorable local veterans, your friends and neighbors, and some special guests for a one-of-a-kind virtual commemoration and celebration.”
Available on:
- YouTube New Castle Community Media Center Channel
- Town of New Castle Facebook Page
- Town of New Castle Website MyNewCastle.org
- Fios Cable Channel 45
- Optimum Cable Channel 75
To further relay the beauty of the day and to honor those who served the country, we revisit a past few years of Inside Press coverage in New Castle.
In Two Key Ceremonies, Vets Honored During Chappaqua’s Memorial Day Parade