Photography is my way of looking at the world. One of my first poems, when I was little, was about life through a camera lens. My camera and I are constant companions. We discover new places and view well known territory from new angles. I have used many types of cameras. During college, I took photography and learned darkroom techniques, while digital photography allows me to take images beyond imagination, transforming them in magical ways. Photography gives me an excuse to go places and the places I go give me an excuse to take photos. My children groan and laugh when I pause to take a picture. –Mary Kaye Catone

“Autumn … the year’s last, loveliest smile.” [Indian Summer] – William Cullen Bryant

Mary Kaye Catone is a Westchester native, and has lived in Bedford and Chappaqua. Her wanderings, family and work as a Licensed Real Estate Salesperson with Houlihan Lawrence in Bedford keep her on the run. She loves gardens, water, hiking trails and city streets.