10. She can help you to decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes.
9. Her patients show a decreased risk of hypertension, osteoarthritis and cancer.
8. You’ll have more energy and find movement easier.
7. Enjoy a better attitude and quality of life.
6. You’ll love wearing cuter clothes!
5. Be less self conscious about your body.
4. Enjoy traveling more.
3. Improve your mood and self esteem.
2. Improve body contouring, skin tightness and reduce cellulite.
1. And of course, feel younger!
Dr. Maria Briones’ specialty is Internal Medicine and Weight Loss. She is Board Certified in Internal Medicine & holds a Diplomate in Bariatric Medicine. Contact her at (914)241-6249 for
an appointment, or visit her website, brionesweightloss.com
for further information.