Rotary International is a worldwide service organization with over 1.2 million members in over 155 countries. Founded in 1983, the Chappaqua Rotary Club strives to “Be the Good” in many ways, whether cheering on disabled veterans during their annual bicycle ride, building affordable housing in town, serving a community breakfast, or making nearly 20 significant financial donations. A highlight of the year is Community Day, a fun-filled family day with food, rides, ponies, balloons, attractions, a blood drive, passport mobile, and informational booths for just about every community entity. Held each year in September at the Chappaqua Train Station, it coincides with the Chappaqua Farmer’s Market and is an event not to be missed. In the spring, the club honors a person or organization for their community service with the Joan Corwin Service Award at their annual “Charter Night” dinner. Chappaqua Rotary members gather Mondays over lunch to hear speakers and plan events. For more information about meetings and on how to get involved, write to eaig@optonline.net.
Courtesy of Chappaqua Rotary Club