I’m wrapping up a sweet 16th year of publishing in Chappaqua feeling personally grateful, and convinced this town’s, well, a 10! At a Nov. 6th ceremony unveiling a New Castle Holocaust Memorial, a new place for reflecting and remembering, a bench was also dedicated in loving memory of my dad, Jacob Breitstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau, ‘Poppy’ to many. Hundreds attended, including President Clinton and a host of public officials. Each speaker (I was very honored to speak too!) addressed the same basic wish – for anti-Semitism and all hate to stop. Story about who made it happen and how: https://www.theinsidepress.com/the-new-castle-holocaust-memorial/
As we went to press, another humongous project, the revitalization of downtown Chappaqua, ‘Streetscape,’ was finally being heralded as very near complete by Town Supervisor Robert Greenstein and former town board member Adam Brodsky, largely regarded as Streetscape’s chief overseer.
On Nov. 16th, Greenstein and Brodsky cut a ribbon surrounded by a newly launched ‘Discover Chappaqua’ town site team. Newly elected officials, town supervisor-elect Ivy Pool, and town board members elect Jeremy Saland and Jason Lichtenthal also attended the festivities.
In another golden gesture, a bench was dedicated in the memory of John Magnotta, the long-time owner of Chappaqua Cleaners and Tailors. As recently stated by Greenstein, our residents make this town what it is.
Take Dawn Evans Greenberg, for example. Beth Besen highlights her monumental accomplishments for the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival, for (914) Cares–be sure to check out her (914) Cares co-founder Jessica Reinmann’s ‘where to volunteer’ tips–and more! Also, read about Dawn’s closest associate at the CCBF, Madeline Finesmith.
Finally, the issue is packed with ‘Top 10’ articles, such as Stacey Pfeffer’s inspiring personal fitness journey (‘Part 1’), must-knows about candidate for Congress David Buchwald (our very own state assemblyman), a roundup of holiday arts and cultural events–and all kinds of timely advice, too, from our generous sponsors!
Wishing everyone a love-filled holiday season, and a glorious start to 2020!