In search of a perfect oasis one afternoon during this summer’s heat wave–and with a yen for an exciting salad bowl and cool drink–I ventured out to finally, finally check out and hang out at the new Sweetgreen at Chappaqua Crossing. I was already familiar with this healthy, popular eatery, a favorite on the upper West Side, where my son lives. All the excited chatter on Chappaqua Moms over its opening in April reminded me that yes, we still really do live on the outskirts. It’s nice when a little bit of the city’s best lands here!
In this case, Sweetgreen is a welcome neighbor to a local favorite too, ROCKS Jewelry/Gifts/Home store right next door. You can now shop for jewelry knowing there are additional options to satisfy your thirst or hunger pangs before or after, too, or take it all home.
I arrived at its sprawling, cool and sparkling new space with no idea which salad to order, so I was happy to see two specials highlighted so that I didn’t have to think too hard. Will it be the Summer Teriyaki salad or the Peaches and Goat Cheese salad combination today? I went with the fruity choice, and brought up the store’s app to place my order. If you told me five years ago, that I’d be ordering or picking up food on my phone this way, I’d have looked at you cross eyed. I tend to resist technology but then I do settle into it and feel a sense of pride when I successfully get with the program. The app in fact was very easy to navigate and my order was ready within 15 minutes.
The salad bowl arrived with generous portions of its promised ingredients (to which I’d added customized choices such as cilantro in lieu of mint, crunchy red beets and sweet potatoes), dressing on the side, along with a 4-calorie seltzer drink. Covid 19 weight gain is a real thing, and I am closely watching every bite now. It felt gratifying to opt for nutritious AND delicious, and to find a place so open and cool to relax. I know I’ll be back. order.sweetgreen.com