Come and support public education in Chappaqua at the Chappaqua School Foundation’s 20th Annual Spring Benefit
at Trump National Golf Club in Briarcliff Manor on Friday April 25 at 7 p.m. Join your friends and neighbors for a casual evening (yes- you can wear jeans!) featuring a fabulous and informative showcase of grants in action presented by students and faculty, extensive silent auction, raffle, great food and great company. As an added bonus, your Benefit ticket purchase also provides you with an all-access pass to Spring Madness–more than a month of discounts and special offers from a large number of participating local merchants.
The annual Spring Benefit is CSF’s biggest fundraiser. Bring your friends and be part of a special evening in support of our schools.
About CSF
The Chappaqua School Foundation was founded 20 years ago with a simple mission: to enhance the education of Chappaqua’s students by funding meaningful initiatives beyond the scope of the school budget. Since that time, CSF has funded over 200 grants providing nearly $2 million in resources to support innovative programs spanning all curricular areas and all grade levels in all six schools. CSF continues to build a strong partnership with our school district to ensure that there are exciting possibilities for long-term innovation and improvement in teaching and learning, while also allowing our District to maintain its foundation of academic excellence. This collaboration between our school district and CSF fosters innovative projects, such as the iLab, that might not be possible elsewhere without such strong community support. CSF also remains committed to working with teachers with creative educational ideas by funding learning programs that engage our students while increasing their potential for intellectual curiosity and academic excellence and which impact your children’s learning every day.
CSF’s fundraising efforts make it possible for Chappaqua schools to continue to undertake innovative programming and to pilot new teaching tools and methods in classrooms despite the financial pressures impacting our school budget. As our District continues to wrestle with hard decisions necessitated by challenging financial times, our community needs to ensure that our schools and our students have access to cutting edge learning technology and educational innovation. Now more than ever, CSF and the continued generosity of our community are critical to maintaining the quality of education our Chappaqua students deserve.
For a comprehensive list of CSF grants to the schools and more information about the Spring Benefit and Spring Madness, please visit the CSF website at