The Town of New Castle is comprised of a highly intelligent mix of creative, exciting and enterprising minds and individuals, families and partnerships with thriving businesses of all sizes and in all categories who are members of the Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber supports this ever evolving business community, and aims to help them prosper.
Many Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber members have built and grown their businesses through effective networking, productive collaborations and professional skill-building with businesspeople residing or doing business in the Town of New Castle (Chappaqua-Millwood), as well as neighboring towns in Westchester County. The potential is here for anyone–and opportunities abound through active participation and membership in the Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber’s mission is to foster the success of any business that aims to serve Town of New Castle residents. To fulfill this mission, the Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber creates programs and initiatives that inform and educate, as well as support and facilitate connections within the town and the community.
Chamber members report that the skills, exposure and contacts gained through membership in the Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber have helped them start and expand new business ventures that may not have otherwise happened.
Among the many benefits of membership, the Chamber provides a host of member services which build businesses including: a full listing and description of a member business (including its logo) on the Chamber website; member-to-member discounts, educational programs and seminars, key networking events; special business-community activities, events and parties; and business-town advocacy efforts.
The Chamber makes it a priority to promote greater awareness and enthusiasm for anyone who does business here; intensive efforts on behalf of any member business includes online, written and word-of-mouth communications between a member business and the community, as well as your business and the town government via social media, traditional media, grass roots marketing and special events.
In New Castle, active Chamber leadership and board are here to help.
Courtesy of the Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber of Commerce