October 30th update: Erring on the side of caution, merchant trick or treat plans reported here earlier in the month have been cancelled in New Castle due to concerns with an uptick of cases being reported throughout the county.
Our author reminisces…
Oh, Halloween. What a concept. It’s the one day out of the year where it is acceptable to knock on a stranger’s door and willingly accept whatever they give us, with no questions asked. Hey, I was all for it when I was younger. Whether I was dressed as a puzzle piece, a hotdog, or sat home in my mustard costume on the couch all sad and mopey because I was sick, it was definitely never a bore.
Now that I’m older, I will say that I am over the whole scene. I can drive to go get candy whenever I want and I don’t need to be dressed up as barbequed meat to do it! Crazy what money can buy you.
I do, however, have great memories (and photos) from Halloween when I was a kid. My mom was a huge advocate of the Ragamuffin parade and some of my earliest trick-or-treating memories are from going around to each store after school. I was Minnie Mouse one year, and a cute one at that. Oh, and we can’t forget the time I was a clown. I had the clown shoes, the wig, the nose, the whole sha-bang. My mom still talks about it to this day. We will literally be watching TV, and she will be like, “Remember when you were a clown? Best. Costume. Ever.”
Unfortunately, what with the pandemic and all, Halloween is going to look a little different this year. It’s likely that a lot of people won’t be doing their normal Halloween traditions due to the pandemic and its safety concerns. While the parade is no longer on the schedule, there are other things in the works to make up for it!
For starters, thanks to Tara Mikolay of Desires by Mikolay, who spoke with board members of the town, PTA and others to make this a safe event, there WILL in fact be a merchant trick or treat this year. It will be over the span of three days, from 2-5 pm on Oct. 28, 29 and 30, with preschoolers first, followed by elementary school and middle school kids.
There will be tables outside of the stores with individually wrapped, grab-and-go candies along with a police presence aimed at preventing any traffic jam of little vampires and princesses, or whatever the kids dress up as these days. And of course, masks will be required.
In terms of other Halloween activities, the PTA approved the annual window painting that happens around town every year, where students get to decorate a store-front window with season designs. And don’t worry, even though there won’t be a Ragamuffin parade this year, you will still have the chance to strut your stuff in town while being represented by your very own…scarecrow! Families will be able to make their own spooky, straw friend and place it around town to contribute to the Scarecrow Fest that is taking the parade’s place.
Although the spookiest season of the year will look a little different this fall, the town is doing their very best to put on a Halloween that will definitely be one for the books…
Editor’s Note: With the town plans underway, Westchester County in general is taking steps to help make residents and guests feel safe and secure as they venture into various communities to celebrate fall and Halloween via an initiative called ‘Westchester with Care’. An initiative of Westchester County Tourism & Film, “it is enlisting area businesses and nonprofits to help fight COVID-19 and safeguard the health and wellbeing of all who live, work and play in our beautiful destination just north of New York City. All participating organizations are required to take an online pledge. You can learn more and take the pledge at https://www.visitwestchesterny.com/westchesterwithcare