Enjoy our series of RX tips for a happier and healthier holiday season.
Jacques Saisselin, Supplemental Manager at Healthy Choice Compounding Pharmacy, Chappaqua:
“We have found Wellness Formula to be the most effective product against the common cold. It is a “kitchen sink” assortment of herbs, vitamins and minerals that can be safely used by almost anyone: from low doses on a regular basis or preventively during the cold and flu season. Users should see a clear cut improvement of symptoms within 24-48 hours when taken. Please see your doctor or visit us to discuss dosage or using with other medications.
Amy Bialek, Chappaqua physical therapist, and Debbie Ragals, four time ironman triathlete:
Our year-round Deep Water Running program is great for staying in shape without compromising your joints! Athletes and non-athletes LOVE it! All gain with no pain, our program is fun, safe, healthy, preventive and a GREAT WORKOUT.
Wee Zee World “Winter Snow Ball”– Enjoy a winter wonderland for fun, dancing, holiday pictures!
1 out of 5 children have a Sensory Processing Disorder(SPD). Support children in your community affected by SPD today! Friday, December 13, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.: WeeZee World, 480 North Bedford Road, Chappaqua. Call 914-752-4992 to reserve or visit sensorybullets.org or weezeeworld.com Sensory Bullets is 501c3 that provides children with SPD access to neuro-fitness equipment and programs through transportation support or scholarship funds.
Christie Lavigne, Director of Skincare, Oasis Day Spa Westchester:
Winter cold and dry air zaps skin of much needed hydration and moisture. Even under a turtleneck, no one wants skin that’s red, itchy and irritated. To combat dryness, our combined luxurious Organic Eminence Calming Facial and a Signature Body Scrub will work to remove a top layer of dead skin and replace it with smooth, hydrated and calmed skin. No need to hide your skin this winter! Oasisdayspanyc.com
Bernadette Bloom, Center for Aligned Healing:
Align, attune and allow the soul filled energies to raise your vibration to a new YOU in 2014. Experience the bliss!