Phelps Hospital opened a new $8.4 million high-tech PET/CT imaging suite that will provide patients of the Northwell Health Cancer Institute at Phelps Hospital everything they need – from diagnosis through treatment – under one roof. Up until now, Phelps patients and the Sleepy Hollow area in need of PET scans had to travel further and have long wait times. The imaging suite for Phelps, for this community, will make it so much easier for cancer patients and others with cognitive disorders like dementia to receive immediate care. This is the gold standard of care and is critical for these patients.
PET/CT scans are used for patients with lung cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, neuroendocrine, tumors as well as certain pancreatic, colon and metastatic prostate cancers. They can also be extremely beneficial for geriatric patients with diagnosis and treatment of dementia and other cognitive discorders, as well as for seizure and cardiac patients.
News and Photo Courtesy of Northwell Health