Faithful Love is a contemporary romance novel that brings readers into the lives of Candace Crestworth, a beautiful, high-powered prosecutor, and Corey Matthews, a charming detective who ends up on the other side of the law. In the opinion of Candace, it’s the wrong side. But they find themselves attracted to each other and it becomes a story of love, adventure, heartbreak, and loss. There is also a suspenseful subplot involving a criminal investigation that brings the entire storyline to a riveting climax.
Pamela was inspired to write the book by her father, who was a detective. His line of work always intrigued her, plus she pursued a law degree, so she centered the story on two unforgettable characters who work in the exciting world of these two fields. You’ll find a blend of fast-paced action and danger along with emotional scenes of heartbreak that show the complexity of life but also highlight the power of love.