The 2nd Annual Great Chappaqua Bake Sale on October 1st from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at 1 South Greeley Avenue will help fight the national childhood hunger crisis. Last year’s sale raised almost $6,000 and was one of Share Our Strength’s Top Ten national fundraising teams. Share Our Strength supports a “No Kid Hungry” initiative to end childhood hunger by 2015. Last year, over five million meals were served in “affluent” Westchester County–50% to children, according to the Westchester Coalition for the Hungry and the Homeless. More than 17 million children in America are at risk of hunger. These children have trouble learning, get sick more often and can’t grow, develop and learn like other children. All proceeds fund programs in New York State that feed hungry children. Just $25 can feed one child three healthy meals every day for a month. For more info, call Allison Spiegel, 917-693-3407 or email