First Thing Every Morning
By Lewis Timberlake and Elinor Griffith
“There are six terrific truths about time:
First: Nobody can manage time. But you can manage those things that take up your time.
Second: Time is expensive. As a matter of fact, 80% of our day is spent on those things or those people that only bring us 2% of our results.
Third: Time is perishable. It cannot be saved for later use.
Fourth: Time is measurable. Everybody has the same amount of time … pauper or king. It is not how much time you have; it is how much you use.
Fifth: Time is irreplaceable. We never make back time once it is gone.
Sixth: Time is a priority. You have enough time for anything in the world, so long as it ranks high enough among your priorities.
Just think about the familiar complaint, “If I just had more time.” This is exceedingly self-deceptive! Kings have no more time, beggars no less! God gives to every man 24 golden hours per day. That’s 86,400 precious seconds ticking inexorably away. Here is the point: If you don’t manage time, time will manage you.”
A chance encounter put Elinor Griffith back in touch with Lewis Timberlake, a Texas motivational speaker whom she had worked with at Reader’s Digest. “Could you help me develop a book I’m writing?” he asked. Together, they produced an inspirational book with short reflections and quotes on happiness, humor, courage, a fresh start, etc. Last spring, Simple Truths, an online-publisher with 1.5 million potential buyers, printed First Thing Every Morning, which is now already in its third printing. Elinor, a writer and editor living in Chappaqua, has three passions: travel, cooking and France.
When not cranking out books (her last one was The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow), she offers niche gourmet cooking trips to Julia Child’s former home in the South of France, as well as to Paris and Italy’s Amalfi Coast. To learn more, visit To buy a copy, go to and search for “First Thing Every Morning.”