By Zarah Kavarana
- Documents regarding the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan have been published in the Environmental News Bulletin on June 12. Written public comments will be accepted through July 12, 2013. The documents can be viewed through the town website, library, and Department of Planning.
- All train station parking permits will expire on Saturday, June 15. Any resident who desires a permit is advised to submit an application immediately, before the June 14 deadline. Permits will not be issued to those with an unresolved parking ticket. All tickets should be cleared before applications are submitted.
- Camp registration for New Castle Day Camps is ongoing. For more information, contact the Recreation and parks Department at (914) 238-3909.
- The Summer Concert Series, co-sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce begins on July 10 at the Recreation Field. The schedule is as follows: Tramps Like Us on July 10; Chappaqua Orchestra on July 17; One Hot Night on July 24; Hollaback on July 31. All concerts begin at 7 P.M. Admission is free.
- A movie will be presented every Friday night in June in Millwood Park, weather permitting. Movies include: Here Comes the Boom, E.T., and Despicable Me. Admission is free, and start time is at 8:30 P.M.
- There will be a Farmer’s Market every Saturday between 8:30 A.M. and 1 P.M. at the train station.
- A free Bed Bug elimination event will take place on Saturday, June 15 between 11 A.M. and 12 P.M. in the Town Hall Parking lot after a bed bug was found in a discarded book after the recent library book sale. While the library states it is free of bed bugs and all necessary precautions have been taken, it is uncertain whether books containing bed bugs went home with consumers.
- The Board discussed the concerns expressed by businesses and residents in a petition signed by 826 people opposing the Chappaqua Crossing Retail proposal. The proposal consisted of a 140,000 square feet strip mall that had applications from WalMart and McDonald’s. Board members affirmed that the proposal was being closely reviewed by the town advisory board, county and state agencies, and consultants. Until the reviews are complete, no board member will vote. A similar review and approval process will apply to the Chappaqua Station proposal before each board member votes.
- The Chappaqua Fire Department inducted new volunteers last week. The department and its volunteers were thanked for providing vital services to the town, especially during last weeks’ terrible fire that destroyed a Chappaqua home.
- The Board commenced the public hearing with the Chappaqua Station apartments proposal. The issue was unanimously adjourned for June 25, 2013 because the applicant did not show up for the presentation.
- A proposal to amend the speed limit of a number of Chappaqua streets to 25 miles per hour was read. With no request to comment from the public, the board unanimously voted on the motion to close the hearing.
The board also authorized the following proposals:
- Set a public hearing to make a house on South Bedford Road a New Castle Landmark on July 9, 2013
- The position and post of Secretary to the Architectural Review Board with a salary of $45,000 per year
- Post the position of Heavy Machine Equipment Operator for the Highway Department
- Re-Appoint Assessor
- Appoint a student member of the Sustainability Advisory Board
- Set water rates for Highridge Road and Croton Avenue water district for all water bills on or after July 1, 2013 at $77 per thousand cubic feet
- Report standard work days for elected and appointed officials to New York State and the local employee’s retirement system. Officials must maintain and submit a record of activities to the Town Clerk.
- Create a capital fund and award bid for Inningwood Pump Station upgrade to increase the budget from $1 million allocated from the 2012 budget to $1.6 million for improvements
- Sign the CSEA Employee Benefit Fund contract, which provides dental and vision coverage for town employees
- Refund a $500 Street Opening Permit to Arena Contracting for satisfactory work
- Hang a banner across South Greely Avenue from October 21 – November 3, 2013, announcing the New Castle Historical Society’s Antique Show on November 2 and 3
- The economic consulting services of AKRF Inc. relating to the environmental review of the impacts of the retail development at Chappaqua Crossing
- Monthly reports, including: Town Clerk, Count Clerk, Receiver of Taxes, and Building and Engineering
- Minutes from a town board work meeting and work session from April 23, 2013
The meeting adjourned after the board accepted audited vouchers from May 2013.