Throughout its 100 year history, FCC has prided itself on being welcoming to all who wish to pursue their faith journey with others who believe in the liberty of conscience. Over 25 years ago, the United Church of Christ created an Open and Affirming commitment and encouraged their congregations to proclaim themselves as such. The Open and Affirming designation is intended to express a church’s affirmation of all human beings and their welcome into the life of the church.It is especially focused on the inclusion and welcome of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender folks, who have been the subject of much discrimination and prejudice. FCC decided a year ago that it wanted to consider taking the important formal step of intentionally becoming Open and Affirming.
On January 24, 2013 at its Annual Meeting, after a year of open discussion, information sessions and thoughtful consideration, the FCC congregation joyously and overwhelmingly voted to become Open and Affirming. The congregation adopted the following all inclusive statement:
- Taking scripture as our guide, and mindful of our mission to be a caring community, we acknowledge, accept and affirm that all people are equal children of God. We welcome into the worship, work and fellowship of this congregation all people.
- People of every race and mixture of races.
- People of every ethnic background and nationality.
- People who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and straight.
- People in any economic situation.
- People, regardless of physical or mental prowess or limitation.
- Trusting in God’s grace and with the hope of guidance from the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to strive to fulfill this affirmation.
Building on our commitment to be Open and Affirming, it is FCC’s hope and intention to be a place where everyone is welcome, where we celebrate our differences and where we find strength in the things we share. We encourage you to join us as we enter our second century and affirm our commitment to be as understanding, accepting and inclusive as possible of all of God’s children!