How children think is one of the most enduring mysteries–and difficulties–encountered by parents. In an effort to raise children smarter, happier, stronger, and better, parents will try almost anything, from vitamins to toys to DVDs. So how can we tell marketing from real science, and what really goes through our kid’s developing mind–as an infant, in school, and during adolescence?
Sponsored by the Chappaqua PTA in conjunction with the CCSD,
please join us for a special presentation on
Monday, October 22, 2012
7:15 P.M.
Bell Middle School Auditorium
Dr. Sam Wang, co-author of the book, “Welcome To Your Child’s Brain: How The Mind Grows From Conception To College,” will discuss how we can promote the healthy development and learning of all children by upending parenting myths and misinformation with practical advice, surprising revelations, and the latest in brain-based research. Please visit for a video preview of Sam’s ideas.
About Dr. Sam Wang
Dr. Wang is a professor of neuroscience and molecular biology at Princeton University and the Chappaqua Central School District’s scientific adviser for educational best-practices. Before becoming a professor, he studied at Caltech graduating with a B.S. in physics with honors at the age of 19 (making him the youngest member of his graduating class), and he earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience at Stanford.
He has worked at Duke University as a postdoctoral fellow and aided political leaders as a Congressional Science Fellow.
After completing his postdoctoral studies, he spent two years at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J., where he learned to use pulsed lasers and two-photon microscopy to study brain signaling.
He has published over fifty articles on the brain in leading scientific journals, has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio, and the Fox News Channel, and has received numerous awards.
bernadette bloom says
hi All’ I am doing a talk on Energy Medicine for the Special Needs Child on Wednesday Oct 24 on 6:30 at the Center for Aligned Healing 175 King Street
see the web for details
side effect peace
Maureen Jacobson says
I just wanted to make a note that details for the program that Bernadette Bloom mentions above, “Energy Medicine for the Special Needs Child”, can be found on her website: