By Grace Bennett
There has never been more at stake over who we grant power to over our futures, and whose words we allow to wield power over us, too.
Do we want to hand the world’s most critical mantel of power to as volatile an individual as Donald Trump? In our hearts most of us know the honest answer at this point.
Trump has spewed so many hateful, demeaning words at minorities, at people with disabilities; they will have their own special place in the history books. And of course, the now infamous ‘sex tapes’ and practically daily reports (no need to rehash in this particular forum) have proved the final straw into a mindset that demeans women and offers a brutish high five, and wink, wink that it’s ok to sexually assault women. That’s what “real men” do, right? It’s just too bad that at no point in his life, did anyone think to Grab him by his Gilded Collar and tell him–on behalf of his daughters, at least–to please, grow up.

Eventually, a candidate’s words will segue into an expectation that he or she take action that impact lives. If you haven’t yet, please do ponder the potential consequences of Donald Trump’s angry, impulsive finger resting anywhere near the nuclear code–as so many four star generals who emphatically support Hillary Clinton have done, along with the ever growing list of Republicans (of still sound mind) who are jumping off the runaway Trump Train.
Hillary Clinton–the historical and indomitable first woman candidate nominated by her party for POTUS–consistently projects a positive, inclusive outlook.
She offers intelligent, well researched ideas on how to address a multitude of issues affecting us, nationally and internationally. There isn’t a topic that she and her staff have shared with the Inside Press that hasn’t gone through considerable research with relevant experts. At a hyperlocal level, it has been overwhelming to manage the flow of information, and even at the national level, the press can barely keep up with her thoughts, ideas, vision, etc.
She is the only logical choice this November. And, in truth, a great choice. I have faith along with so many millions more that she will serve our nation well and persevere through the myriad of challenges we face here and abroad. Hey, even Trump admits that she is a fighter who doesn’t quit, and I thank him for that, anyhow.
I endorsed her in the primary agreeing with Bill Clinton that she is the ultimate ‘changemaker,’ * and it will come as no surprise to anyone at this point to state that with unbridled enthusiasm, I endorse our fully deserving Chappaqua neighbor now, too.
— Grace