By Grace Bennett
In response to an story by Zarah Kavarana about Movie Nights in Millwood Park this summer, Town Administrator Penny Paderewski contacted us to let us know how instrumental the Millwood Task Force was in conceiving and ultimately bringing the idea to fruition. I told her I would welcome a statement too from the Millwood Task Force. Here’s what I received from Michael Stern, co-chair of the Task Force:
“The Millwood Task Force has been seeking ways to enhance the quality of life for, and project a positive impact that the Millwood Hamlet/West End neighborhoods have on the entire Town of New Castle. Early this year Leslye Smith, an MTF member, suggested that the MTF approach the Town with an Idea to have a functionsuch as a concert or Movie Night in the Millwood Hamlet, as mostly all such events are currently held in the Chappaqua Hamlet of New Castle. It was decided that a Movie Night would be best to pursue. It could put Millwood “on the map” to those in Town unfamiliar to what our Hamlet’s Business District has to offer.
The idea was then brought to the attention of Penny Paderewski the Town Administrator who agreed that a Movie Night in Millwood was an idea that she could present to the Town Board and Supervisor. Millwood Park was presented as a site that could be able to handle such an event. we were told the Parks Department would need to facilitate such an event. Funding for the Films and equipment necessary to present them however was another issue, as the Town did not have money allocated into this years budget.
At the March MTF meeting, Movie Night was further discussed. Attending the meeting was Rob Greenstein, from the Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber of Commerce. He proposed the possibility that the Chamber of Commerce could attempt to get Financial Sponsors from the Business Community to fund the Movie Night(s)The MTF was notified in April that that the Chamber was able to get several Millwood Sponsors. Drug Mart, Matero’s Jewelry and others stepped up to the plate and agreed to fund the Rentals, signs and other expenses.
The event itself was Co-Sponsored by the Town of New Castle, the Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber of Commerce and the Millwood Task Force.
Arrangements were made with the Town to set up Four Dates in June for the Movies. (several rain dates were rescheduled for July).
The Millwood Task Force was very pleased to see it’s Vision come to fruition with the co-operation of the Town of New Castle Parks Department Staff, and the Chappaqua-Millwood Chamber of Commerce for the funding and promotion, embracing Leslye Smiths idea for the Millwood Movie Night.
A Special Thank you to Penny (Town Administrator), Rob (Chamber of Commerce) the Parks Department, as well as the Financial Sponsors of the Movies.
This, I believe, is an example of how local business and government can work together for the good of our Town.”
Rob Greenstein says
Actually, it’s an example how the town is trying to take credit for something thet had nothing to do with. Here’s actually what happened………….
Here is what I remember……….I was invited to a MTF meeting to see what events we can bring to Millwood. I mentioned the Pet Fair to be held @ Millwood Animnal Hospital parking lot since the town would not let us have a Pet Fair in Millwood or Gedney Park. We then talked about other ideas. Someone suggested having one of the concerts in Millwood. I said I didn’t think it would work since no Gazebo. I said Milwood needs their own thing. Leslyse suggested a movie. I said GREAT idea. It could be Millwood equivalent of the concerts. That was all that was discussed.
The next day I looked into renting the equipment – it was around $800. I looked into buying it – it was around $2,500.00. I asked my high school buddy & owner of Drug Mart, RIch Glotzer, if he wanted to buy the equipment. It could be his event every year. Rich is all about Millwood -he bought the equipment within days. I looked into leasing movies, and we picked 4 movies ($250 per movie). The town added an electrical outloet & lights. We created a graphic & lined up sponsors. The town asked to be a sponsor since they added an electrical outlook & lights. Someone suggested that MTF should be a sponsor since the idea was born @ their meeting. We created a logo for them, and made the ma sponsor.
I showed up @ the next MTS meeting with our postcard – which was mailed to all Millwood. Everyone was shocked.
I have always given Leslye credit for the idea, and will continue to do so. But, the other stuff is all news to me.