With Spring break right around the corner( even though the ground is still covered with snow), clients are beginning to ask me how to lose those winter pounds and get in shape for the spring. Whether it’s fitting into that bathing suit for April vacation, or getting ready for spring tennis, both goals and mindset need to shift to achieve our personal best. As a trainer in Chappaqua for the last 17 years, Prescriptions for Fitness has been able to help our clients to not “panic” about the up and coming spring or summer vacation. We design a realistic plan to achieve these goals. Below are some of the most effective tips to help you get in the best shape of your life.
First and foremost, many people must change their overall eating and exercising habits. It doesn’t have to take over your life, you just need to make smart choices.
10. Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Many people think by skipping breakfast, or by starving themselves, they will lose weight, when in fact by doing this, they will actually gain weight. Smaller meals speed up your metabolism, and create the proper environment for your body to use excess fat as fuel for your workouts.
9. Drink more water, and use nutritional supplements wisely. In order for your body to digest food correctly; it needs water to accomplish this. Water will also keep you full and curb some of your cravings. While you reduce calories, your body absolutely needs proper nutrients to preserve your muscle tissue and burn fat. This is where proper vitamins, and essential oils come into play.
8. Check our supplement recommender. Go to www.prescriptionsforfitness.net: under “Nutrition,” you will find the best ways to burn fat fast and reach your goals.
7. Increase your weight training and circuit training. The only place in your body that body fat is actually burned is inside your muscle tissue. If you just do cardio, you body will burn muscle for energy. When you lose muscle, you lose the ability to burn body fat. This is a fact, not a myth. Contrary to what many women think, weight training will not bulk them up. It will lean them out–and sculpt the bodies they want.
6. Consult your personal trainer to design a safe and effective weight training program for you.
5. Exercise for at least 25-35 minutes within 80-90% of your target heart rate. This creates what’s called EPOC, or excess post oxygen consumption. High intensity workouts will not only burn more calories during your workout, but will burn additional calories during your recovery period as well.
Higher intensity=larger oxygen deficit /longer recovery=more post workout calories burned. A high intensity weight/cardio workout will continue to burn calories for the next 24 to 36 hours after you have finished working out. The more calories we burn the faster we reach our goals.
4. Set goals. If you have a goal of losing 15 pounds, break it down into five and three pound goals. This way it will not seem so overwhelming. If you fall off the wagon, brush it off and get back to focusing on your goal. Always stay positive and move in the right direction.
3. Lift weights that are heavier than your purse if you want to change your body. Lifting two-pound weights for 300 reps is more of a cardio workout–not a strength workout. Stop listening to celebrity trainers who tout the two-pound/many reps solution to their celebrity clients. You don’t have a private chef to prepare all your meals or a stress-free lifestyle. Scientific studies have proven lifting heavier weights with fewer reps will help you reach your goals in the shortest time possible.
2. On your cardio-only days, increase your sprint intervals. Science has proven that slow and long cardio, is not nearly effective as high intensity interval cardio. Many people may not like this because it is challenging, but so is trying to lose weight.
1. Leave your comfort zone. Sometimes we have to work hard if we want to accomplish our fitness goals. If you keep doing what you have been doing for years, don’t expect to see results if you don’t change it up.
These ten tips may not be the easiest changes to your workouts, but they will definitely be the most effective. Everything in life that we want to achieve takes work. Good luck. Make sure you work with your personal trainer when implementing these changes. This way you will educate yourself as well on how to make life long changes to your fitness program.
Scott Reilly is the owner of Prescriptions in Chappaqua, a private personal training facilty. Scott and his staff of professional trainers have been helping people get and stay in shape for over 16 years. They work with people with all different goals and needs. From professional athletes to 10-year-old kids, or women with osteoporosis, Scott and his staff can help you get in the best shape of your life. They also specialize in golf and tennis conditioning as well.