There are extra special reasons to mark your calendar and get excited for ICD’s annual sale. In an effort to make room for new collections, the staff at ICD Contemporary Jewelry is offering current collections for half its normal price, in fact, at whole share prices!
“Our customers love the opportunity of getting jewelry at the wholesale price,” says Varda Singer, owner of ICD. “This is the way we give back to so many of our loyal customers. Some have been shopping at our store for almost 40 years.”
Varda also understands that everyone appreciates a bargain from time to time. “This is the time! “ she said.
One customer who visited the store was pleased to find a sale had just kicked off on Friday. She bought four pairs of earrings–for herself and as gifts for friends. Smart lady.
“This is what it’s all about,” said Varda. “Spring cleaning for us—a bargain for our customers.”
— Grace Bennett