10. Child abuse only occurs in low income families. Child abuse occurs in homes where there are children present, no matter what the income is.
9. Screaming at my kids is not child abuse. Words can scar. Repeated screaming and degrading a child is emotional abuse.
8. I know my neighbors and friends well enough to say that they don’t abuse their children. We never know what stresses people are under and what is going on behind closed doors.
7. It is only abuse if it is physical. There is also emotional abuse, sexual abuse, failure to thrive, and neglect.
6. “Good” people don’t abuse, only unloving/bad parents. Parents love their children. Stress and isolation are two triggers for abuse. Frequently parents don’t know positive discipline techniques.
5. Abused children grow up to be abusers. While it is more likely that an abused child will continue this cycle, many adult survivors of child abuse are motivated to act differently and become excellent parents.
4. Children exaggerate or make false accusations. While this happens occasionally, children are usually honest and their words are a call for help.
3. Child Abuse is rare. Last year in Westchester County, there were over 6,000 reports of suspected child abuse and neglect.
2. Parents who abuse their children are doing it deliberately. Parents who abuse their children cross the line because they don’t know any other way, they can’t manage their stress and anger, or they have mental illness. The last thing they want to do is hurt their children.
1. Child abuse does not happen in my neighborhood/community. Unfortunately child abuse occurs in every neighborhood, at every income level, in every ethnic group and at every educational level…everywhere.
Lend a hand. Help a child. Strengthen a family.
Child Abuse Prevention
Center of NY, Inc.
7 Holland Avenue
White Plains, NY 10603
Email:capc@preventchildabuse.net | www.preventchildabuse.net.
To get help or give help, Please call 914-997-2642