Online sidebar ads, which appear on the right-hand sidebar every page, are available in two sizes:
Large Sidebar Ad
The displayed size on the site is 250 px wide x 150 px high. We ask these to be designed and delivered at 500px x 300px to accommodate high-resolution displays.
Small Sidebar Ad
The displayed size on the site is 250 px wide x 75 px high. We ask these to be designed and delivered at 500px x 150px to accommodate high-resolution displays.
In-story ads, which appear in the middle of the content on one specific story, are available in two sizes:
Square In-Story Ad
The displayed size on the site is 350 px wide x 350 px high. We ask these to be designed and delivered at 700px x 700px to accommodate high-resolution displays.
Rectangular In-Story Ad
The displayed size on the site is 700 px wide x 150 px high. We ask these to be designed and delivered at 1400px x 300px to accommodate high-resolution displays.
Files for online ads can be supplied in .ai, .eps, .psd, .jpg, .gif, or .png format.