We want you to know how much your friendship and support has meant to us this year. There’s no better illustration of what our community can achieve together than the amazing work happening in MHA’s seven mental health clinics.
Employment specialists in each clinic to assist clients in finding work, a step so important to recovery.
Launch of OPEN ACCESS in our two largest clinics. Meaning people in crisis can walk-in and speak to a clinician-no appointment needed.
Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) now available specifically for children and adolescents. CBT is considered the most effective behavioral tool there is.
More community members served: We have seen over 1,825 children, adolescents and adults in our clinics so far this year.
This recent note from one of our clients powerfully demonstrates the transformative possibilities of our clinic services:
“I have made an incredible breakthrough due to the help, concern and diligence of my MHA peer counselor. I cannot express the feeling of accomplishment and confidence she has given me. Until recently, I could not stay in a crowded room for longer than a few minutes. For those who don’t suffer debilitating fear and shame due to terrifying feelings, they will never know what stigma can do to a person. This morning I awoke exhilarated. My counselor ‘gets me’. I respect her and feel conviction and optimism that continued work with her will open up avenues and a new life long closed to me.”
Thank you for helping to bring the very best mental health services to the community through your support at MHA.
The Mental Health Association of Westcheste
580 White Plains Road | Tarrytown, NY 10591